If you have been living in the United States for the past five years, then you are probably familiar with the practice of veganism. In any society, actions and thought processes often become trends, and eventually they take on the form of a movement. It’s like there is something in the air, and it forces everyone’s perspective to change. Well, we am here to tell you that some trends, like veganism, are absolutely great! In the way that ‘The Age of Enlightenment’ changed the course of history for the world in the 18th century, veganism’s impact may be comparable in the food world.
Okay, fast forward to 2019, and human rights causes are sweeping the nation, and the world. The trend of veganism is actually pretty beneficial to society and some causes in several ways. In this article, I will share with you six ways that veganism can change your life.
1. Weight Loss
This is the reason that catches most people’s attention when considering converting to veganism. It is a fact that veganism can help you lose excess weight. In today’s society health and wellness are important topics, and healthy weight loss can be a significant part of that. A lot of people are turning to veganism because it makes keeping up with that extra cellulite a lot easier.
2. Protection Against Disease
A vegan diet may protect against certain cancers and diseases. There have been many studies done which indicate that veganism reduces the risk of getting a few different cancers. Many people are taking heed to their health in a different way, and that involves questioning advertisements and even medical advice out of distrust for the government and the multi-million dollar companies who profit off of a patient having a bad diet.
3. Boost of Energy
If you know any vegan, it is very likely that you have heard them claim that a plant-based diet is accompanied with a boost of energy. A lot of people find that they want to get up, be active, and they don’t feel drowsy. That is obviously a great benefit of veganism!
4. Reduced Risk of Bacterial Infection
Veganism is a great way to reduce the risk of bacterial infection. Many bacteria infections are acquired by eating animals. Many non-vegans are commonly at risk of diseases such as: E. coli, salmonella, and mad cow disease.
5. Long Life Expectancy, and Better Quality of Life
Many people who become vegan boast of living a longer life. They experience having healthier skin, hair, and nails. Vegans claim to have a complete change in their lives for the better once they stopped eating meat.
6. Saving the Animals
Saving the animals that are at risk of being slaughtered is always a good feeling. To know that you are supporting a cause usually increases happiness as gratitude is one of the most satisfying feelings. If you have ever just watched a video of cows or chicken being prepared for slaughter, well that should be enough reason to quit eating meat alone.