Some Background on Butter
Butter is a dairy product and a fat source commonly used by people while cooking and eating. Currently, there is some debate going on about the presence of butter in the every day human diet. In previous years, margarine was praised as a low calorie butter alternative. New studies, however, have unveiled research findings which have changed people’s opinions on butter in many different ways. High fat, high protein diets rich in butter and other natural fats have become popular in recent years for their health benefits. Butter, specifically grass fed butter, does have several different health benefits.
As with all fats, it is important to pay attention to serving size when consuming butter. People who are overweight or obese will want to pay careful attention to their butter intake to make sure that they are not over consuming. People with cardiovascular and other health issues will want to be aware of their butter consumption as well. With moderation and awareness in mind, here are some of the top health benefits of grass fed butter over regular butter.
The Grass-Fed Difference
Both grass fed butter and regular butter are high in fat and calories. One tablespoon of butter, grass fed or not, contains around 100 calories and 11–12 grams of fat. They are also both a good source of Vitamin A. When it comes to some foods, more organic or more natural versions do not necessarily have more nutrient value. When it comes to butter, meat, milk, and other animal products, it is important to pay attention to what the animal is being fed. Cows who are grass fed will pass along the added nutrition in their diets to those who consume dairy products made from their milk. Fatty foods like grass fed butters, certain oils, nuts, and fish can be rich in beneficial omega 3 fatty acids. These have a far better impact on the human body than omega 6 fatty acids.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an important compound that can be found in dairy products. Conjugated linoleic acid has many health benefits for the human body including benefits for the immune system and fat loss benefits. When grass fed butter and regular butter are compared side by side, there is significantly more CLA contained in the grass fed butter versus the regular butter. Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and beta carotene are all found in butter as well. Because grass fed cows have more nutrient rich diets, these nutrients are often found in greater levels when looking at grass fed dairy products. Vitamin A is important for immune health, reproductive health, and many other functions. It is not naturally produced by the body, so it is important to consume foods like grass fed butter in order to get Vitamin A in your diet.
Moderation Is Key
Whichever butter type you choose to consume, keep moderation in mind. Even grass fed butter is high in fat and calories, and just a small serving will provide valuable micronutrients.